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Beat the traffic snarls

2010-04-27 15:38:56 Source: Weather China



May 1, 2 and 3 are so-called "designated days." You need to have a "designated ticket" to visit. Regular ticket holders can enjoy the Expo after May 3.

Free guide maps are available at each entrance.

Reservation tickets for the China Pavilion are available at each entrance, as well.

Wear comfortable walking shoes - be prepared for a day of walking, as seating around the site is sparse.

Bring an umbrella (collapsible) in the event of rain.

Bring cash and coins.

The Expo site offers services such as information inquiry, tour guide, renting services, Lost & Founds, carting stations for lost children, temporary nurseries, services for the disabled and financial services.

Arriving at the Expo site

Attempt to avoid Metro line 8, as it is heavily crowded; try to approach Yaohua Road Station from line 7.

Consider taking an entrance other than Yaohua Road Station if looking for shorter lines.

If meeting up with people to go into the site, it is best to meet up beforehand, as huge crowds and cell phone congestion make it difficult to contact and locate people.


Keep belongings close at hand - big crowds make people vulnerable to pickpockets.

If you have a backpack, consider wearing it in front when in a big crowd, both to protect your belongings and to avoid accidentally knocking people next to you with it.

Small children and the elderly, beware of much pushing/shoving at the entrance gate.

Keep your children close to avoid being separated by the crowd.

Be aware that there are no bathrooms in the vicinity of the entrance gates when waiting in line.


All of the five zones and areas surrounding the Expo Axis are equipped with restaurants, offering all types of food including classic Chinese and Western cuisines, coffee and snacks, and fast food.

Bring your own lunch to save time from waiting in long queues to buy food within the site.

No liquid is allowed to be brought in. So consider bring an empty water bottle to fill inside the site at one of the water fountains, or buy a bottled drink from a vending machine.

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